Physical Training and Sport Centre

About Centre

The Physical Training and Sport Centre at the University of Defence have been an integral part not only of students´professional preparation but they have been also a consistent part of life of all school members since its establishment.

The physical training and sports at the university are guaranteed and staffed by the PTSC.

PTSC participates in a significant manner in the education on university educated, healthy and physically fit officers who prepare themselves at the University of Defence for pursuance of their future profession.

Sports and physical training enrich at the same time their cultural and social life in the course of their study at the university, they help them to form their standing relationship to physical culture and the habit to take care of their physical fitness and performance.

The subject „PHYSICAL TRAINING“ represents by its scope a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills and habits included in the basic physical education (such as gymnastics, light athletics, swimming, outdoor games, sports and living outdoors, skiing, cycling), special physical preparation (such as overcoming of terrain obstacles and watercourses, terrain orientation, mountaineering, selfdefence and close combat, Survival)and specific military practical activities.

The students with good sporting performance are provided with appropriate conditions for development of their talent in sports clubs within the university – artificial rock face climbing, scuba diving, athletics, aerobics, Survival outdoors, MUSADO MCS, Survival, military pentathlon, cycling, football, volleyball, basketball, floorball, swimming and tennis.

The high-quality training of sportsmen in the above mentioned groups is crowded by a successful representation of the university as well as the ACR within the frame of CISM, both ACR and military schools championships and competitions of sports unions in public.